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How to Get Rid of Brown Spots on Body

How to Get Rid of Brown Spots on Body

Everyone hated freckles over the face or you don’t want to have brown spots over the parts of body like arms, back, hands. Several chemical solutions are there to treat your issues but one should go for nature based or kitchen treatments which are also effective. These can be treated by using simple home treatments. Here in this article you will get how to get rid of brown spots on body. So, take a quick look at the given below points.

Kitchen based solutions to get rid of brown spots on body

Lemon Juice- Take a fresh lemon and squeeze juice from it. With the help of cotton ball, apply that over the areas having brown spots or freckles. Leave it there for next 30 minutes and then rinse it off. Lemon juice contains bleaching agent which helps to lighten the dark spots. You can also prepare another remedy with lemon and that can be done by adding some sugar in a juice of a lemon. Mix it well. Apply the mixture using a soft brush over the area with brown spots. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash with water.

Honey- Take a spoon of honey and mix juice of fresh lemon in it. Stir well and apply over spots for ½ an hour. Lemon juice can dry the skin but honey is helpful to give moisture to the area and heal the damage there if caused any.

Strawberry- Take some fresh strawberries and apricots. Peel apricots and crush both strawberries and apricots to get a fine paste. Apply the paste over whole face or to the areas with brown spots. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Watermelon- Take a watermelon and make a hole in the rind and then add some uncooked grains of rice in it. Replace the rind and then wrap the watermelon using a plastic wrap and put that in refrigerator for whole night. Next morning remove the watermelon from fridge and open the rind. Then keep out the plumped rice from watermelon. Make that blend well in a blender to get fine paste. Apply that paste over the washed face. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash using water.

Try the fruit Magic- You can take some pineapple juice and using cotton swab apply over face which would help to reduce brown spots on face. Take a fresh papaya and cut that in half. Remove seeds and mash the pulp and apply over face and wash your face after 20 minutes. You can eat the pulp and rub the skin of papaya over the face and let it dry and then wash the face using lukewarm water. The pulp or skin should be placed over the clean face so before application you should wash the face to get maximum results.

Above mentioned are some of the effective and sure short ways which told you how to get rid of brown spots on body. So, you can try that with ease at home and get shiny, glowing, fair and problem free skin.
