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How to Get Rid of Dark Eye Circles

Having Baggy Eyes Give a Try to Kitchen Remedies

When we met someone what matters most is your look and if you have dark circles under eyes then it is sufficient to spoil your facial impression. There are huge numbers of people around the world today facing the problem of dark circles under eyes. It is true that market is flooded with millions of chemical products who promise to help you to get rid of dark circle but most of them leave side effects which can change into permanent spoil of your looks. So before choosing anything you can try kitchen items which tell you how to get rid of dark eye circles.

Step by step guide: How to Get Rid of Dark Eye Circles

Understand the causes of Your problem- As it is told that dark circles is a very common problem so to get fast relief you need to understand the causes of same and try to lessen them as well. Some of the main causes for your problem are stress, dehydration, tiredness, having less sleep, low nutrition foods, having medications, aging and sometimes it can due to hereditary issues as well.

Eat Well balanced Diet- The skin around your eyes is very thin and so it is very delicate as well as sensitive. So, it needed extra care and the easiest way to prevent dark circles you should eat a balanced diet. Have a diet that has ample amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, unprocessed cereals, green salads, skimmed milk along with other milk products and unprocessed cereals.

Cucumber and lemon Juice- To know how to get rid of dark eye circles you have to step in your kitchen and take a fresh cucumber. Now extract its juice and apply that around the eyes area having dark circles. Leave for 20 minutes and wash with water. You can replace the cucumber juice with lemon juice because it is equally effective and helps to remove the darkness from the area.

Rose water- Take cotton ball and dip that in rose water and place that over your eyes directly. Remain in the position for next 15 minutes and then wipe the eyes gentle way. Rose water provides soothes to eyes. Try the same for 2-3 times and this idea will help to lighten the darkness of eyes in very less time.

Potato Juice- Extract juice from a fresh potato and mix same amount of cucumber juice in that. Now using a cotton ball you have to apply the mixture of juice around the eyes area. Leave that for 15 minutes and trying the same for regular basis helps to lessen the bagginess around the eyes.

Tomato Juice- Apply tomato juice over the dark circles around eyes and after 15 minutes wash your face with lukewarm water. You can also use a tomato slice and rub that not only around eyes but to the whole face as this will help to lighten the darkness or tan from the skin.

Now, you have got the idea how to get rid of dark eye circles using simple kitchen products and there is no need to spend money over the harmful chemical loaded products.

