How to Cover Skin Flaws with Makeup

How to Cover Skin Flaws with Makeup

Desire of every lady is to have clear and beautiful skin but if it has markings, blemishes and pimples etc then it requires little more attention to look amazing. This can be treated by simple home remedies but if you have no time and have to rush for any special occasion then requirement is for quick fixes and that is possible with the help of using makeup. With application of layer of makeup you can be able to know how to cover up the skin flaws with makeup. Following given are techniques which would tell you how you can hide them lightly and also would not cause any more damage.

Steps for covering skin flaws with makeup

Apply Foundation- Take a soft sponge and with the help of that start applying foundation to the nose and slowly sweep outwards. You need to be sure that there is no foundation left over the jaw lines. So, try to blend the foundation into neck and would give maximum natural look.

Time for Powder- Take some loose powder and dab that on your forehead, chin and over the bridge of the nose. It would lighten all the shine and helps the foundation to settle down at the place. You are not required reapplying any foundation for several hours after that.

Use Powder Blush- Take a wide brush and with the help of that use powder blush over the face. The idea behind using wide brush is that using the same won’t clog your pores. Now, apply preferred shade blush over the apples of your cheeks and would help to redefine the cheek bones. Use lighter shades for more natural look. Apply lighter shades of bronzer. Your skin flaws can hide with these above mentioned tips.

Additional tips- Above mentioned are the techniques for how to cover skin flaws with makeup but now to follow them you have to keep some important points in your mind.

Always purchase the skin products as per your skin type.

Foundation splash will be off good type so that not clog with the pores and stay at place for longer time. It should also be of natural shade.

Concealer should be used after foundation application. Just apply the same and never rub it because that would make it blend to skin.

Toners are great to be used for daily basis. The work of toner is to reduce the shine from the face. Also, it avoids the dirt and makeup left over the skin. Toner should be applied before moisturizing the skin.

Always try to use all skin care products of same brands because sometimes it would happen that different brands can make any reaction like scar, pimples etc.

Having pimples over the skin is very common condition during teenage and even later. So, apply thin layer of foundation. So, no oil will stay at face.

Stay away from unnatural sugar as that can be culprit.

Have a balanced diet and try to drink around 8-10 glasses of water with seasonal fruits and fresh vegetables.
